Fansite Tournaments
Here you can download the final of all fansite tournaments that are ran by the iPool fansite.
To view the final, click on download final next to the tournament you wish to see. Make sure when you are given the option to save the zip file you save it to somewhere on your computer that is easy for you to find. Next unzip, to do this right click on the file and choose option extract here, or unzip depending on which unzipper you use.
Once you have got the zip file saved on your computer and unzipped, simply open iPool on the practice table (dont enter a lobby) click on FILE top left of screen, and select LOAD RACK, doing this will bring up a screen that lets you navigate through your files on your pc. Find the files that you have now saved and unzipped, either double click on the rack you wish to view, or select it by clicking once, then click open.
You will now have a small box appear on the practice table, click on the play button, sit back, relax, and enjoy the replays.