| Online Registration By Paypal (Recommended) | Back |
The subscription process uses the secure
PayPal system which is totally automatic, meaning
you'll be able to play online with your new member account
within minutes! (only when using credit card).
$10 CAD ~
($10 US, £5)
$20 CAD
US, £10)
- Prices on
Paypal are in Canadian Dollars (CAD)
- Prices are inclusive of 5% GST tax
- Ex Rate: $1.00 CAD = $1.02 US = £0.63 = 0.75
- Rates Updated on 30th May 2014 (by www.xe.com)
- Prices shown in US and GBP are subject
to change due to the exchange rate which we have no control over.
Prices exclude postage
& packaging which varies from $2 to $6 CAD depending on
the product & location. Please
allow 5 working days for delivery.
Please ensure that you have selected your
Location, which will be used as part of the delivery
address. If you are purchasing a T-Shirt, please check that you
have selected the desired Size.
iPool Products planned for the future;
- Mouse Pads
- T-Shirts (black)
- Caps
- Snooker / Pool Chalk
- Snooker / Pool towels
We accept the following Credit Card / Payment Methods; VISA,
MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck and PayPal.