__.NeMeSiS Interview..

We started off with some standard, easy to answer questions.. Although NeM did struggle on one.

-> Fansite: Whats your real name.?
-> NeMeSiS: Greg

-> Fansite: Age.?
-> NeMeSiS: 20

-> Fansite: From.?
-> NeMeSiS: Cornwall, UK

-> Fansite: How long have you been a member.?
-> NeMeSiS: Ummmmm

__.*** NeMeSiS has exceeded the '2 minutes' allowed for an answer! ***
__.*** The Fansite has the option to forfeit this interview ***

-> NeMeSiS: Umm... 9 months. Had to think about that 1

-> Fansite: Whats makes you keep logging in.?
-> NeMeSiS: The people that make the game fun
-> Fansite: Just that.?
-> NeMeSiS: That and trying to beat the top players
-> Fansite: But... Your rubbish aren't ya.?
-> NeMeSiS: Pfffffffft

-> Fansite: OK, so what game type do you think you're best at.?
-> NeMeSiS: 8 ball. 9 ball is too easy

-> Fansite: And what new 'thing' would you like to see in iPool.?
-> NeMeSiS: Umm.. more game types. i.e different tables & killer
-> Fansite: Different tables meaning.?
-> NeMeSiS: Zig Zag n that. Round would be cool

-> Fansite: Finish this sentence. The current iPool players are.....?
-> NeMeSiS: Oh man. You want me to name em all
-> Fansite: No, as a bunch the players are.....?
-> NeMeSiS: The current players are annoying gits..LOL
-> Fansite: Mostly or totally.?
-> NeMeSiS: Mostly

-> Fansite: And the current Mod team are.....?
-> NeMeSiS: They're crap
-> NeMeSiS: Nah they're a great bunch of people, they're all good
-> NeMeSiS: Umm, mostly good people with a couple of exceptions

We then moved on to questions sent in via the fansite. How's this for an opener.?

-> LcMoNeY.: If you had to sleep with man, who would it be and why.?
-> NeMeSiS: Richard Branson.. just think of the money
-> NeMeSiS: Can't believe i just said that

-> jakenic1: Whats the hardest shot you ever had to play.?
-> NeMeSiS: Any double, i'm rubbish at them

-> JoE_MeIsTeR: What do you enjoy doing in your free time.?
-> NeMeSiS: Down the pub for a few games of pool or darts, or just goin to mates house and chill
-> Fansite: And spending time with Richard Branson.?
-> NeMeSiS: Oh yeah, and that

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: Favourite guitarist.?
-> NeMeSiS: Um. Can't think of any

-> MaStErClAsS: If you could annihilate anyone at iPool who would it be. And i mean ANYONE.?
-> NeMeSiS: Do i have to give a reason.?
-> Fansite: Hell yeah
-> NeMeSiS: I'll change then
-> NeMeSiS: I'd love to whoop Oblivion, because of all the trouble he caused

-> r-i-v-a: Which came 1st, the chicken or the egg.?
-> NeMeSiS: K, i'd say egg
-> Fansite: Why.?
-> NeMeSiS: Don't really know, just a random guess

-> hugo: What is your favourite film.?
-> NeMeSiS: Final Destination 4

-> Entente: Who do you think is the best player.?
-> NeMeSiS: Either Patata, Xizer or Donte

-> GumBo: Can you lend me £2.00.?
-> Fansite: Ooooh he's nice, we like GumBo
-> NeMeSiS: He's a Goon, so i'd want loads of interest
-> Fansite: So you would.?
-> NeMeSiS: I would, but he'd have to pay loads back

-> FamousSi: Given the basic premise that God is infinate, and the universe is also infinate,
__.would you like some toast.?
-> NeMeSiS: Yeah sure, hard work this is ya know

-> black{-_-}hawk: Do you like cabbage with lots of salt.?
-> NeMeSiS: Never tried it, but i'll try anything once
-> Fansite: OK, minus the salt do you like cabbage now.?
-> NeMeSiS: Nah, it's good for you

-> Mag: How many birds have you fantasised about from the Fansite gallery and who.?
-> NeMeSiS: I'd say 2. Denissa and BIG_BAD

-> Noops: What is the reputation of the fox in our modern western culture.? What was the
__.reputation of the fox in medieval europe.? How and why did that reputation evolve into his
__.current reputation.?
-> NeMeSiS: Eh.. LOL
-> NeMeSiS: Don't really know, but heard he had a bad reputation in both poor bloke
-> Fansite: Fox is a bloke.?
-> NeMeSiS: Ye, why not

-> Noops: Why is marmalade not called orange jam.?
-> NeMeSiS: Gotta be something to do with foreigners, they always confuse things

-> Noops: Half empty or half full.?
-> NeMeSiS: Half full

-> Noops: Do you believe in Darwins theory of evolution, or have you seen some of iPools
-> NeMeSiS: Um.. I haven't seen any of iPools player, so i'll say i completely believe in whatever it is
-> NeMeSiS:

-> Noops: You're stuck on a desert island, how much of yourself could you eat before you died.?
-> NeMeSiS: Not alot, don't think i'd taste too good
-> NeMeSiS: LOL. Makes ya think eh.?

-> Noops: I've lost my TV remote, do you know where it is.?
-> NeMeSiS: Yeah, i left it under Mrs Noops pillow

-> Noops: If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say.?
-> NeMeSiS: Aahhh. I'm a legend, the smartest being known to man
-> Fansite: And big headed to go with that.?
-> NeMeSiS: Not big headed, i just know i'm clever

-> Noops: Does a goat BAH or MEH.?
-> NeMeSiS: I think MEHHHH, i'm sure sheeps BAHHHH

-> Noops: What is the longest time in 1 day you have been playing on iPool.?
-> NeMeSiS: I did an all dayer when i was going for gold, still only 80 runs. What crap eh.!

-> Noops: Do you have a Nemesis on iPool.?
-> NeMeSiS: Ye V-O-R-T-E-X, what a goon
-> NeMeSiS: And side-winder, he's always lucky as hell

-> Noops: How do you feel about the pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre.?
-> NeMeSiS: They're all trouble makers, should all be locked up
-> Fansite: Er. Not pedestrians, pedestrianisation. Like making it no cars
-> NeMeSiS: Oh. LMAO
-> NeMeSiS: Gotta be a good thing aint it.?
-> Fansite: Has it.? Not for cars surely.?
-> NeMeSiS: Ye why not. Not for cars but for people it is
-> Fansite: Guess you don't drive much in Norwich.? that make you a bit selfish you think.?
-> NeMeSiS: Don't drive in Norwich much, i don't drive anywhere Not got a licence yet.

-> Noops: Your status is always set to away, where are you.?.?
-> NeMeSiS: Er. Browsing net or MSN. I'm set to away but i'm actually still here

-> Noops: As an iPool & iSnooker player, which do you prefer.?
-> NeMeSiS: Defo iPool, snooker too much brain work for me

-> ChelseaFC: What did you make of the furore surrounding your Donte account.? Why did you
__.make the acount.? Is Donte some cryptic play on words to corelate with 'Dante' and opening
__.the gates of hell unleashing the terror and fear held within.?
-> NeMeSiS: I was thinking of a new name, that came on TV so i thought that would do
-> Fansite: Is it a play on words.?
-> NeMeSiS: Not that i know of
-> Fansite: Do you think your the Devil or something then.?
-> NeMeSiS: Could be eh

Now, the time NeMeSiS was dreading. We open the table to the lobby.

__.*** Loads of players joined the table at A RATE OF KNOTS (GMT) ***

-> Noops: 1 word answer, whats the difference between a duck.?
-> NeMeSiS: You legend

-> {-_-}.Haggis.{-_-}: Would you say Vegas is the best 9 ball player.?
-> NeMeSiS: Yeah Vegas is pretty good, but there are alot of other good players now

-> Noops: Did you know NeMeSiS is Latin for 'minimum sized'.?
-> NeMeSiS: Thanks.

-> Regulator: Whats you favourite type of bread.?
-> NeMeSiS: Hovis best of both

-> Jemma: Any tips for the lowest rated person in the room.?
-> NeMeSiS: You want tips, don't ask LcMoNeY. for lessons, he's crap OK.

-> Rugulator: Can you put all this in.?
-> Fansite: That'll be a NO

-> LoopyH-A: Worst Mod on iPool.?
-> NeMeSiS: I can't answer that Well i can, but i wont

-> LoopyH-A: Best Mod.?
-> NeMeSiS: Leeroy, he's a legend

-> Noops: Im guessing you've been to Ibiza, but have you ever been to you.?
-> NeMeSiS: I'm sorry, i've never been to Ibiza

-> LoopyH-A: Best player out of NeMeSiS and Donte.?
-> NeMeSiS: Donte, hes class
-> LoopyH-A: Agreed, the other one is a bum

-> Regulator: Whats your opinion of LcMoNeY.?
-> NeMeSiS: He's a goon, plain and simple
-> Regulator: Cheers, I am him btw.. REEFED

-> LoopyH-A: If you could go out on the lash with 3 members, who would they be.?
-> NeMeSiS: 3 people. Um... Lee_boy, Lc, V-O-R-T-E-X

-> Regulator: Who's sounder, Peanut or Shirley-Ann.?
-> NeMeSiS: SA

-> LcMoNeY.: Blondes, Brunettes, Ginger or Bald.?
-> NeMeSiS: Brunettes.?

-> LoopyH-A: Favourite meal.?
-> NeMeSiS: Roast
-> LoopyH-A: Roast what.?
-> NeMeSiS: Lamb, lovely

-> LcMoNeY.: Mars or Snickers.?
-> NeMeSiS: Snickers

-> LoopyH-A: Heaven or Paradise.?
-> Fansite: Oooooooooh GL
-> NeMeSiS: Like i care, defo Paradise

-> LcMoNeY.: Burger King or Maccy D's.?
-> NeMeSiS: Maccy D's
-> LcMoNeY.: Pfffffffffffffft

-> LoopyH-A: SA or Peanut for a night out.?
-> NeMeSiS: Peanut for a night out, SA for a night in

*** ANNOUNCEMENT --> Fansite has just 'Run-Out' of questions for NeMeSiS, table 48 ***

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