__.Mag Interview..
We started off with the usual standard, easy to answer questions for Mag..
-> Fansite: Whats your real name.?
-> Mag: Mark
-> Fansite: Age.?
-> Mag: 24 n 4 months
-> Fansite: From.?
-> Mag: cheshire
-> Mag: or
-> Mag: krypton
-> Mag: depends
-> Fansite: on what.?
-> Mag: on who asks
-> Fansite: How long have you been a member.?
-> Mag: erm....... 18 months
-> Fansite: hah .. how long ya been allowed on tho.?
-> Mag: erm....... bout 10 lol
-> Fansite: 3 weeks.?
-> Mag: days
-> Fansite: lol
-> Fansite: Whats makes you keep logging in.?
-> Mag: well
-> Mag: 6 months ago it was the banter
-> Mag: now its just about gettin runs
-> Fansite: and to see me.?
-> Mag: sure
-> Mag:
-> Fansite: OK, so what game type do you think you're best at.?
-> Mag: 8 ball
-> Mag: pro or non pro
-> Fansite: And what new 'thing' would you like to see in iPool.?
-> Mag:
-> Mag: how honest can i be here.?
-> Fansite: very
-> Mag: over 18 lobby
-> Fansite: but we edit it
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: damn you
-> Fansite: you just shook your fist
-> Fansite: didnt ya
-> Mag: no
-> Mag: I punched my screen
-> Fansite: liar
-> Mag: lol
-> Fansite: haha
-> Mag: j/k
-> Fansite: anything else.?
-> Mag: yea
-> Mag: some sexier mods
-> Fansite: more sexy mods*
-> Mag: thats why i wanna be a mod
-> Mag: make the team look better
-> Mag:
-> Fansite: but
-> Fansite: youre 58 on mingers.com
-> Mag: that was yesterday
-> Mag: gotta be top 20 today
-> Mag: surely
-> Fansite: wd
-> Fansite:
-> Fansite: all proud
-> Mag: i've shown my mum
-> Mag: she was proud
-> Fansite: good
-> Mag: "i have a son on mingers.com"
-> Fansite: Finish this sentence. The current iPool players are.....?
-> Mag:
-> Mag: nit pickers
-> Mag: well most are
-> Fansite: elaborate
-> Mag: mouth off at the most ridiculous of things
-> Mag: Mostly like
-> Mag: Mostly "play me are u scared"
-> Mag: Mostly n
-> Mag: Mostly "ur crap"
-> Mag: Mostly "im tellin a mod"
-> Mag: Mostly when u say ffs
-> Mag: Mostly but seriously
-> Mag: Mostly like 40% are ace to get on with
-> Fansite: elaborate i said, dont ramble
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: Mostly pfffff
-> Mag: Mostly was on a roll.
-> Fansite: And the current Mod team are.....?
-> Mag: well
-> Mag: they do a good job
-> Mag: honestly that is
-> Mag: but..........
-> Mag: there are a select few who go beyond the line
-> Mag: and get away with it
-> Mag: which is wrong
-> Mag: lets leave it there
-> Fansite: ok
-> Mag: dont wanna be banned again lol
-> Fansite: or blow ya mod application
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: exactly
-> Mag: "supermod"
We then moved on to questions sent in via the fansite, gl Mag, you may need it
-> ARCHIE: i hear youve just turned gay an your boyfriend is lcmoney , who's the mummy an the __.daddy.?
-> Mag: im the daddy
-> Mag: in any relationship
-> Fansite: and Lukes ok with that.?
-> Mag: yea
-> Mag: but
-> Mag: he wears the pants
-> Mag: i just wear skirts
-> Fansite: seems fair
-> Mag: ye, he does alot of givin
-> Mag:
-> LcMoNeY.: Why do you steal half of your phrases from me? You know its true so dont deny it __.and just give a reason.?
-> Mag: right here it is
-> Mag: he made up berk
-> Mag: and fanimal
-> Mag: and fugly
-> Mag: but
-> Mag: i turned fugly into fugs
-> Mag: and berk into berkboy
-> Mag: so technically
-> Mag: i didnt steal
-> Fansite: you adapted.?
-> Mag: if ya like
-> Fansite: kinda weak
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: What does ADSL stand for.? | | | |